Otter Pup Five
The Otter Pup Five class is for children who are aged between 2 - 3 years, and are very confident in the water, have excellent breath control and are confident submerging. This class aims to provide lots of opportunities to extend these children, working towards independent swimming and combining the skills of kicking, paddling and submerging. Kickboards are introduced to facilitate independent movement through the water and to form the basis of more formal instruction in the future. Water safety elements become more complex with more difficult gripping and vertical turning activities. Upon graduating Otter Pup Five, children will either move to an Otter Pup Six class (if aged between 2.5 - 3 years) or an Otter Two class (if aged 3 years).
Otter Pup Five are:
- Aged 2 - 3 years
- Group class with a maximum of 6 students
- Swimming babies with excellent breath control, submersion and mobility skills
- Skill and age based progression
What do our Otter Fish Five students learn?
- Building on submersion skills
- Progressing mobility skills towards strong independent swimming
- Developing independence in their movement through the water
- Independent floating
- Progression of safety skills, including vertical submersions and turns, returning to a pool edge independently, moving along a pool edge, exiting the water independently
When I graduate from Otter Pup Five:
- I am confident in the water
- I can submerge confidently with excellent breath control
- I can blow bubbles
- I can independently move myself through the water with an aid on front and back
- I can float on my back
- I can independently swim to a teacher or parent
- I can vertically turn front to back with assistance
- I can move myself along the pool edge independently
- I am confident to swim in a lesson without a carer (teacher/child class)